Thursday, April 30, 2009

A month in review...

Well...I figure that its been a good month now, so time for another post. :) I'm really trying to stay on top of this whole blogging world, but let's be honest I'm not so good at it! Anyways...April has been full of a lot of fun things! I felt the baby kick for the first time on March 30th! At first I really didn't think too much about it but now that I have felt it for the past month I know that its little Jr. letting us know that he is doing well! Its not to point where its all day everyday, but enough to let me know that he is definatley there! It's such a fun time right now. I am 6 months and 1 week prego right now! It's crazy how fast time has flown by! I have been doing some research on carseats and stollers, so if any of you already moms have a preference I would love to hear which ones! :)


Natalie said...

We got one of those travel sets that comes with the car seat and stroller. It was nice for the first couple of months since the baby slept all the time, but after a while I get tired of using it because it was so heavy and took up my whole trunk practically. So, I went to Babies R Us and got a $20 umbrella stroller...perfect for traveling and shopping. So, I would recommend having both! Now that we have TWO I have had to upgrade to a double stroller. And am back to having no trunk space. :(

aellis said...

Well i love my chico travel system! It is a bit pricey but it is very good quality, and way easy to use. Also it is good up to 30 lbs. (most besides the graco safe seat only go up to 20 or so). I read a lot of reviews and did my research too, and i love the chico! My second choice would have been the graco safe seat, it is less expensive.....

Maranda said...

I loved feeling Kamryn move in my belly.....Awww...good times! I got the Graco Travel Set and I love it. It does take up a lot of space in your car, but it is nice while your baby is little and sleeps all the time. Kamryn is 3 1/2 months now and I could probably move her to an umbrella stroller, but I still use the one I have.

Josh and Nat said...

BRITAX all the way... You look darling. Glad you guys are doin well..

Thomas Family said...

Hi Heather. This is Jenna. My mom showed me your blog and I like looking at it.

jenna t.

Jenn said...

Heather, Jeremy and I are so excited for you!!! We haven't seen you guys in a while and then to come to your blog and see you were having a fun. Congrats and we can't wait to meet the little guy.