Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Engagment...

I am learning how to make my own blog and this is so much fun! Keep in mind this is my first time "blogging" so bare with me as I figure out what I am doing! :)

Here goes nothing...
Me and Mike dated/hung out about 2 1/2 years ago. We "hung-out" for about 3 months. I thought he was such a great guy, but I just wasn't feeling it so we went our separate ways. This past 4Th of July we had a swimming/BBQ party at my friend Liz's house. Like I always do I sent out a mass text to everyone in my phone...Mike included. He came with some friends and we had a good time! Towards the end of the night a group of us decided to go to Olympus Hills Park and watch fireworks. While watching fireworks I thought, "wow he is really cute..and i hoped that he would ask me out. The following Sunday I met up with him to get a blanket that I left in his car while watching fireworks. That night he asked me out for the following Monday, Yes!!! We have been together ever sense :)

November 21st was a very hard work day for me! I couldn't hold still, I had butterflies and I could feel that something was going to happen that night...and sure enough it did!

On November 21st there was a knock at my door. When I opened the door to my surprise there was a black limo waiting for me! Right then and there my heart sank and the butterflies set in. I then could tell this was the real deal. As i got into the limo there was a long stemmed rose waiting for me. As the limo drove me around the Salt Lake Valley I felt like I was on the Bachelor! The tears of joy came to my eyes as I thought, "I am done dating...I'm getting married"! The driver took me to Olympus Hills Park where Chris Mike's friend was waiting. He escorted me to the top of the hill where Mike came out from the bushes in a tux! He lead me off the path to where he had dug a huge heart in the dirt and lined it with sparklers. He said some things (Ill spare you the details :) ) and got down on his knee and asked me to marry him!! It took me a sec to say yes because my whole life I had dreamt of the day that I would get proposed to...and it was really happening!!! I said YES!!! He yelled yes really loud to Chris who was down below who set off fireworks in the sky! It was perfect! We got in the limo and he drove us around for awhile before taking us to Olive Garden where both of our parents were awaiting our arrival! It was the perfect engagement!


Sara said...

This a way cute blog! I love seeing all the fun things you two are able to get out and do...before taking the "Plunge"! I am also so excited about your wedding. You two are so cute together and I can see just how much you guys adore and love one another. I count myself extensively blessed to know you guys and be your friend!
As soon as I get my blog up and running I will let you however will not be about my that is going to happen any time soon! Yeehaw!


Maranda said...

Hey Congratulations on your engagement! That is so exciting! When is the big day? Being married is the best, you'll soon find out that you never want to go back to the dating scene ever again. Anyway, I'm new to the whole blogging thing myself so I'm always excited to find a new friend who blogs. Joel and I miss Utah and wish so badly that we could hang out with some of our old friends, but we have having such great experiences in Omaha. Well, hopefully you get married at a time we'll be back. We'd love to meet your fiance. Good luck with the wedding plans.
Maranda and Joel

Joy said...

What a great story, Heather. I am loving your blog already!
hmmmm post a picture of your ring, that text picture was too tiny to see!

Tyler said...

Your story is great! Thanks for sharing and fun pics!