Thursday, June 26, 2008

We're Married... its finally here!

I know, I know, its been six months since the last addition to our blog and there have been a lot of people getting on our case wondering when we were going to finally update it so after a lot of planning, a lot of stress, and a lot of waiting we finally tied the knot on June 10, 2008. It was a wonderful day for the both of us and Heather looked absolutely stunning.. as anyone might imagine.. The temple was sunny and warm but a bit windy... the reception was amazing. We had it in the backyard at the Horman's in Pepperwood. The best part was that there was no rain, although we were pretty scared for a while there we only had to deal with the temperature that was a little colder than we would have liked. Everything else went off without a hitch... Heather's parents (mainly Jacci) had every little detail planned out perfectly from the live band,the chinese looking ball things that hung in the trees,the matching centerpieces and everything else was perfectly arranged-- right down to the placement of photos and the cake. It was awesome!. Heather's grandpa owns a bakery and made all the big cookies for us. And to make things more "fun" we had Coldstone come and serve ice cream.It was a little chilly for ice cream but our guests didn't seem to care it was just too good to pass up. It was really a perfect night...well except for this part. I know its tradition to decorate the grooms car on the night of the reception.. and sure its a great time doing it.. but as the groom, when its time to clean up the mess, its not all fun and games. Those guilty I know who you are and the majority of you aren't married yet... be prepared... revenge is sweet...


Lizz Pizza said...

Congrats again you guys!! It was an awesome event!

The Biesingers said...

You guys are so cute together! Im so happy for you! We need to get together again soon! :)Congrats!!

Josh and Nat said...

SOOOO CUTE! I love both of you! Wish I could have come to your reception but.. I was outta town showin off my little bean! So let's get together sometime! I need to show you Lilly girl anyway. Glad you guys finally came to terms with what I knew all a long! Ha ha.

Stephenson and Katie said...

Heather I'm so glad I got your mass blog text :) It's been forever! I hope you are loving the married life! Come see me at Nords so we can catch up on life! You look amazing and so happy!

Patrick Thomsen said...

Heather congrats. Sorry I couldn't make the reception I was out of town.