Wednesday, February 10, 2010

SIX Months!

I can't believe that my Ryk's is 6 months old! Where has the time gone?! We took him into the dr today for his check up and he weighs 17 lbs even (42 percentile) and is 27.5 inches long (59 percentile). He is a growing boy!

He is starting to get a little personality and I love it! He is the happiest, smiliest baby ever and he makes me so HAPPY!
At 6 months Ryk's can...
*Sit on his own for about 5-10 secs before tumbling over :)
*Eat solid foods...LOVES everything that we have given him...peas, green beans, squash, sweet potatoes, pears, applesauce,etc...
*Sleeps through the night!!!! YES!!! Goes to bed between 9-10 wakes around 6 for a feeding then back to bed and wakes around 830 for the day!
*Takes 4-5 naps a day
*Smiles ALL of the time
*Loves finding his toes and chewing on them

*Roll over on his left side from tummy to back...(hates tummy time!)
*Makes the cutest sounds like ahh and ooohhhh
*Sits in his tubby without the net
*Puts everything and anything in his mouth
*He is ticklish on his sides and giggles like crazy when we tickle him

He is my best bud and I Love him to pieces! I feel so privleged to be his mom! I love EVERYTHING about him and he makes me so happy! Happy 6 months tomorrow my sweet little make mom and dad so PROUD! We Love You!


Kim said...

He is so cute, Heather! You are such a cute mama, too! :)

Erika + Sean said...

Happy six-month birthday! He is looking more and more like Mike and I can't believe how big he is! We should all get together sometime soon.

Shanna said...

Heather he is so beautiful!

Tay and Ash said...

Hedda!!! Your little boy is so cute. You need to see Finding Nemo. It might be one of my favorite Disney movies. We should get together and do something. I am taking all online classes so I should be free most nights.

aellis said...

He is just so cute! We really need to see you guys soon!

Rick and Angie said...

He's so cute Heather - hold on to him. They really grow way too fast!!!

marenj said...

You finally made a new post! He looks just like Mike!!

Matt & Darla said...

Heather -

In some of these pictures of Ryker he looks so much like Mike! What a cutie he is!! Time sure does fly by.......:)

Thomas Family said...

Holy smoke, time has FLOWN!! Very cute boy. Enjoy this time.

Kyle, Whitney, Ezra & Jovi said...

He is so big and so cute! It does go by so fast! I can't believe my ezra is 8 months now! In answer to your question I get most of my coupons in the sunday paper(its the ONLY reason I take the sunday paper...its way worth it!) I get 2 papers a week. There are also lots of printables online! Check out it's my favorite site but there are lots of others too!

Sara said...

He is adorable! I can't believe how much he has grown since the last time I saw him! I can't wait to see him again and I am excited for spring and all the breaks I will get...especially summer break. We will definetly have to get together for walks at the farm!

Jamilyn and Clark said...

He really is so cute. He does look a lot like Mike, but we know who he loves more. :) I can't wait til Jayda sleeps through the night. I have a good feeling it's coming soon though.

Cowan Family said...

It was good to hear from you! Ryker is so adorable. I bet you are the best Mom.
Ellie misses preschool she always tells me she wants to go back to her fun school. We are having another girl. I'm excited. I'm due around the end of May or the first of June.

Sara said...

I can't beleive how big he is getting! What a doll! I can't wait to see him again! Are you getting excited to go walking at the farm? I can't wait!
You are such an inspirational momma!
Can't wait to see more pictures with your new camera!